Delivery Information

When delivery orders are processed, it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure a complete and correct address is supplied, along with a valid phone number for contact. It is also the customer’s responsibility that there is someone to accept the delivery at the address. We cannot accept responsibility for late or missing deliveries due to insufficient or incorrect information supplied, or because there is no-one to accept delivery.

Please note if the recipient is unable to accept delivery, we will endeavour to leave it in a safe place. Due to delivery scheduling we are unable to re-deliver.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a message from us and also updated delivery times from our courier services. 

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that delivery instructions provided to us will be carried out and are not liable for any mistakes made by our courier partners and can’t be held liable for delays in delivery or lost or damaged parcels.

How much does delivery cost?

Delivery charges vary depending on the item and the exact price will be shown at checkout. 


We generally try to include all postcodes in mainland England, Scotland and Wales, however we are having some trouble getting items delivered to Northern Ireland, so for the time being we are unable to deliver to NI postcodes. 

Delivery Map